Why does the relief discriminate between lifeline customers and non- lifeline customers?
customers are generally regarded as underprivileged with low electricity consumption.
Accordingly, since the economic hardships imposed by COVID – 19 are generally across
board, it is only prudent and proper that lifeline customers enjoy a total waiver
while the others enjoy a 50% rebate using their March 2020 consumption as the benchmark.
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Does the relief affect Non Residential customers? e.g. Barbers, Seamstresses, etc.
Yes, it affects all electricity customers except disconnected customers.
What is the special COVID – 19 electricity relief all about?
The special COVID – 19 electricity relief is a special Government of Ghana (GoG) intervention which offers payment of bills of lifeline (0-50kwh) customers for three (3) months (April, May, June) and all other customers, 50% of their bills using ...
Kindly provide us with your Account Number and Account name to retrieve your bill. Please note some reasons why you may not receive your bills; If your premises is inaccessible when the meter is new or is a SHEP meter (Provided by Government) ...
Supposing I am able to conserve my electricity consumption in April, May and June, 2020 to the extent that it is lower than March, 2020, will I have less relief than the one due me as per March, 2020 benchmark?
The relief will be full payment for lifeline customers and all other customers 50% of March, 2020 bill.
What support does the relief offer me?
It offers you free electric power if you consume 50kWh or below (lifeline customers) per month. For all other customers, it absorbs 50% of your bills using your March 2020 bill as the benchmark.