How much will I pay for 1unitkwh

The cost of Kilowatts/Unit is depended on the tariff bracket of electricity consumption. Below is the breakdown;
Residential TARRIF
0-50 - (GHp/kWh) 0.3078
51-300 - (GHp/kWh) 0.6175
301 – 600 - (GHp/kWh) 0.8014
601+ - (GHp/kWh) 0.8904
Service Charge:
Lifeline Consumers - (GHp/month) 2.13
Other Residential Consumers - (GHp/month) 7.04
0-100 - (GHp/kWh) 0.7532
101-300 - (GHp/kWh) 0.7532
301 – 600 - (GHp/kWh) 0.8015
601+ - (GHp/kWh) 1.2647
Service Charge - (GHp/month) 11.7315
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